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AV Proyectos 107: Kengo Kuma

AV Proyectos 107: Kengo Kuma

AV Proyectos 107: Kengo Kuma


Kumo, Kengo.

Avisa 2021

SKU S03571

AV Proyectos 107 devotes its dossier to a selection of Kengo Kuma’s latest projects, ranging from subtle interventions on heritage to large cultural complexes, always paying special attention to the materials and applying local building methods. The chapter after this presents the winning project by José María Sánchez in the competition for the refurbishment of the historic Castello Visconteo in the Swiss town of Locarno, as well as three shortlisted proposals. The issue also features six examples of pavilions that prove the potential for research and innovation of this building type. The detail section covers the station designed by Benedetta Tagliabue for the new metropolitan line of Naples.

80 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 30 cm, pb, Spanish/English